
i first learned about zines in high school, and i became immediately obsessed. i loved finding random snippets of unpolished thoughts thrown together in stapled pieces of paper. zines were one of the first places i saw representative conversations on things like disability and queerness and polyamory and racial justice. i love finding new language and community for things that have been knocking around my head.

zines are one of the many reminders that our capacity for survival, joy, and play are abundant. in 2018, i spent international zine month (july) creating instagram stories about all of my zine feelings. check out this highlight for that content.

i’m always looking to share my love of zines and build community where we can remind each other of our capacity for survival, joy, and play. if you ever want to collaborate or nerd out, reach out!

p.s. the zines I make are available for purchase here.

RV Dougherty